Lincroft Village Jewelers has been in business for over a decade and is still going strong. Our commitment to excellence allows us to serve as one of the premier jewelers in the area.
Top-Notch Jewelry Appraisal Services
We understand the importance of adequate appraisals, and we have employed a team of professionals with years of experience providing a wealth of knowledge and outstanding hands-on skills. Our appraisals cover a wide array of jewelry pieces including gemstones, watches, wedding sets, and diamond pendants.
By providing you with appraisals and detailed documentation, we are able to help you protect and preserve your jewelry.
What Are the Benefits?
One of the most noted benefits of jewelry appraisals is the establishment of value. Knowing the actual worth is especially important, as the value of gold, silver, platinum, and gemstones can fluctuate without much notice. Therefore, it’s important that you have an appraisal at least every five years.
When you have legitimate documented proof of the value of your jewelry, you are able to obtain adequate insurance coverage in the case of theft, loss, or damage. The absence of this information could complicate your settlement process. Along with insurance claims, appraisals are also beneficial in the case of estate tax evaluations, divorce, value comparison, casualty loss, and much more.
Contact Us Today
Give us a call or pay us a visit today. Our caring professionals stand ready to provide you with jewelry appraisal services that will officially establish the true value of your most cherished pieces.